Vue 3 Debugging with Breakpoints

So being a Vue newbie, one of the first thing I wanted to do for my Vue project is to setup the debugger, using Vue 3 and the Vue CLI specifically. I thought it would be a no-brainer, but it took me a while to get it going. While there is a good page from the official Vue website, this post is more intended for newbies to outline what I did to get debugging going. Debugging in Chrome or Firefox According to the official documentation, debugging in the browsers is as simple as installing the Vue DevTools extensions (or add-on) […]

Getting Started with PrimeVue

I’m playing around with Vue 3 and want to use a good UI component library. After some research, I found PrimeVue and am quite impressed by it: It has a massive number of UI components – arguably the most compared to other frameworks. It even has a full-blown text editor! The components are beautiful-looking and clean. There are a number of predefined themes to use and with potential tweaks – more on this later. Excellent documentation. MIT licensing. While the documentation of Vue and PrimeVue are excellent, there were some extra steps needed to get things working and customised. In […]

Degoogling – One Year in Review

It has been almost one year since I started moving away from Google as much as I could. In this post, I’ll summarise some of my experience of how things are going after one year. Overview Firstly, how did it go overall? Well, I am very happy to have been using some brilliant non-Google products. I now have a peace of mind whenever I go about with my digital life. The Big Brother ain’t watching. At the same time, I failed to remove some Google products from my daily life. They are hard to replace mainly due to the lack […]

Little Know Visual Studio Code Extensions

Over the last few years Visual Studio Code has taken over the programming communities by storm, quickly becoming the most used editor for programmers in the world. One of the strengths of Visual Studio Code is it comes with a plethora of extensions (or plugins) to boost productivity and simplify things easier for the programmers. There are plenty of resources listing the best of Visual Studio Code extensions. However, they tend to have the same extensions listed over and over again. While this is expected – because these extensions are wonderful – I thought it would be nice to list […]

Setting up Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE with Cloudron on Digital Ocean

In this post, I will provide a guide on how I setup my own platform to replace Google Drive. The core of the platform is Nextcloud. It has ONLYOFFICE enabled. It is built with Cloudron and hosted on Digital Ocean. Nextcloud is one of the most impressive tool I’ve ever used, and so far I couldn’t be happier with this platform. In addition, the running cost of it all is very low, around a simple meal per month. I am only paying for my domain name and Digital Ocean, the rest is for free! If you intend to use this […]

Moving Away from Google

For privacy, security and ethical reasons, I have embarked on a journey to move away from Google as much as possible. This “moving away from Google” process is often dubbed as “degoogling” or “de-googlifying“. Why am I doing this? Well, Google is creepy and disrespectful to its users at a minimum, and some might even say it is downright evil. Google does or did the following: Tracks your activities – without you knowing. Keeps your data. Uses your data for its own profit. Conducts in questionable activities with governments. Avoids tax. Hands out personal data to authorities. Manipulates search results. […]